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Principal s Message

Welcome Letter from Mrs. Wayment Principal 

 August 2023

The school year is beginning on August 9, 2023, and I want to welcome you as our partner in your child’s education. We look forward to a new and exciting school year! We have many changes this year including our new facilities, field, playground, online portal and new staff members. As always, there is no need to send your child to school with school supplies, everything they need will be provided except a backpack labeled with their name. By now, I hope you have logged on to the aeries portal to identify your child's teacher for the 2023-24 school year. This is also the method where you will "Sign" all of that beginning of the school year paperwork without all of the paper. Please follow the instructions attached and contact the office for your child’s ID number and verification code if you do not have an account already. Technology support is available in the office. Thank you for your patience in this new system (more information below).

Students may be on campus at 7:45 am for breakfast in the cafeteria. Please make sure to drop-off your child off at the new office facility. All K-5 students getting picked up after school will be dismissed at the new facility (through the black gates). We are anticipating the area by the cafeteria being fenced off soon, please plan accordingly. I have attached the bus schedules and bus permission form for any family choosing to utilize school transportation.

Health and safety are important as is attendance. We will continue our healthy practices of hand washing and sanitizing. If your child is running a fever or vomited within 24 hours, they need to remain home and please call Mrs. Witter in the office at 707-275-2357. Our attendance program (Attention to Attendance) sends letters when families have had an excess of absences (excused or unexcused). Please make sure to communicate daily with the school if your child is not in attendance for any reason. When one student is missing from class, the staff and students feel the vacancy. Our teachers work hard to engage our students in meaningful instruction and opportunities daily- these can’t always be made up.

I look forward to working with you in a meaningful partnership for your child. We at Upper Lake Elementary School, work very hard with you, to ensure that your child receives the best education possible. We are depending on you, and we want to thank you for entrusting us with your child.

The best way to stay up to date is to make sure to read our monthly newsletter, follow our Facebook page or Twitter account. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 707-275-2357, we are here to help.

Stephanie Wayment
Assistant Superintendent ULUSD and
Principal, Upper Lake Elementary School