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Improving Academic Success for All Students

  1. The district will provide the most recent common core aligned instructional programs,including accelerated interventions for reading/language arts and math. (State Priority 1, 2)
  2. The district will provide professional staff development opportunities for all staff. (State Priority 2, 4)
  3. The district will use data and data analysis to target student needs. (State Priority 4,5,6)
  4. The district will allocate resources to support the LCAP and school plans.
  5. The schools and district will continue to find and improve ways to increase and support parental involvement to support student success. (State Priority 3, 6)
  6. The district will attract, retain, and fairly distribute the highest quality staff at all sites.(State Priority 1)
  7. The District will maintain safe, clean, and secure facilities and learning environments.(State Priority 1)
